Copy for film

Whether you’re explaining the intricacies of R&D tax credits or recreating a scene from Glasgow dockside life back in the 1890s, film is great at conveying lots of information in an entertaining and engaging way. Listen to some clips from my scriptwriting portfolio by clicking on the images below. 

Irish Whiskey Academy

Chemically-complex though the reactions may be, this short film for the Irish Whiskey Academy explains yeast’s contribution to the fermentation process in a creative and engaging way.


So how do you introduce the concept of Research and Development tax credits, and explain who’s eligible and how to claim them in less than two minutes? Click and find out.

Clydeside Distillery

A visitor experience appeals to all the senses, so to complement the static displays I also researched and scripted the Dockside Story, serving up a slice of life from Glasgow port in the 1890s.

Bowmore Small Batch

This animation for Bowmore Small Batch is all about balance – the balance between smoky and sweet flavours, animation and music, and story telling and brand messaging.